Divide and Fool. It’s UP’s Maya.

caricature: Sekhar

Divide and fool. It’s not British Maya but UP’Maya’.Mayawati’s demand for division of the state has practically fooled Congress, BJP and SP.

Congress can not play ‘anti-incumbency’card in UP and can not find an amicable solution for Telangana in near future in AP, even if it wills to do.

BJP’s Dronacharya, L.K.Advani has to do ‘Astra Sanaaysa’(disarmament of weapons) in his crusade for smaller states. He has already taken ‘U’-turn by expressing his quick apprehension to such division, forgetting his tall promises on separate statehood for Telangana.

SP can never dream of coming into power, if UP is split.
In one stroke Mayawati has unmasked all the parties, which had paid lip-sympathy for smaller states.

With this demand, she has not only become the front runner in championing the cause of smaller states, she has kept the resolution of Telangana issue out of the ambit of both Congress and UPA.

She has ascended one more step to be a Prime Minister candidate by addressing a national issue, i.e., formation of smaller states.
-Satish Chandar.M

1 comment for “Divide and Fool. It’s UP’s Maya.

  1. Mayawati is correct .Smaller states progress fast and administration becomes easier. Congree lacks forethought and only policy of congress is to stay in power eternally parpetuating single family rule.Another congress policy is to destabilize non congress ruled states or country .

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